Monday, January 2, 2012

Just Blogging Around!

Hello and welcome to my blog!  It is a pleasure to have you here with me.  My name is Eric Fowler, and I am high school social studies teacher at Wheeling Park High School located in Wheeling, WV (45 minutes southwest of Pittsburgh, PA).  I am also a former IT network systems administrator for a software company.  I have been in education for 12 years, and I love my job.  I also love my job IT job as well.  

I am very familiar with blogs, especially in the world of technology.  I usually spend about 1 hour a day browsing through a list of technology blogs to keep up to date on the latest trends.  I am also excited about this class introducing me to a world of educational blogs to incorporate into my daily reading.  



  1. Hi Eric,

    I just started following your blog. Looking forward to future posts!


  2. Hi Eric,

    I believe I am now following your blog. I am still quite the novice with blogging. Hoping to learn more.

    Ijea (e-jay-ah) Leslie Frazier
